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What Are We Holding On To?

| 09 March 2010
Admit it, some people will feel pity for those who lived in the slums. Others need to help them and aid them just to ease hunger and extreme poverty. Personally, I deal with hardships everyday, may it be on spiritual, social, physical, and temporal matters. The pain and hatred felt by the people around me are sometimes hurled at my direction, something that I cannot control. Some people feel the same way, pushing hard the cart of survival and sipping the cup of hope and faith. For me and you, what are we holding on to?
For all the unpleasant things that happened in our lives, it was due to the unrighteous acts of other people. It has nothing to do with punishment. Yes, we also commit unrighteous acts because we are not perfect, but we still have the chances to repent. Hence, it is not correct to say that we cannot correct all wrongs committed. After all, the final judgment is in His hands.

So, what are we holding on to? One day, darkness will be placed in the backseat and the righteous will triumph. What we do here on earth will reflect our future. If we keep on hurting other people, giving them more hurdles, we will be judged in accordance with our deeds. I had done the same acts against other people because sometimes I want to revenge. But then I thought, what could I get in doing so? My unrighteous deeds will just take its pile and increase time by time. For me, it is unacceptable. Therefore, I will just let the heavens find the justice and equity that I deserve.



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