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Good Things About Blogging

| 11 March 2010
There are positive things about blogging. I just thought about this fact a while ago. Because of blogging, I was able to meet people from all over the world. Meeting them through blog networks, social networking sites, and even by a chance via web, I had a glimpse of their culture and the beauty of nature surrounding their location. The photographs included in their blog posts reflected their cultural orientation, political affluence, social strength, technological advancement, and even personal demeanor. What I love about blogging is that bloggers were able to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions with sincerity and clarity that it is up to readers to foment various emotions.

Another good thing about blogging is the friendship created in the long run. I became friends with wonderful bloggers while maintaining this blog. I also catch up with friends who had been blogging for long. I must say, blogging allow me to write my whereabouts, opinions on current situations, and even my sentiments. Besides, one good thing about blogging is that I am able to collect ideas and ponder on in the process of promoting the posts. There are countless of blog posts sprouting in the net every minute and I find it interesting to catch with some important ideas.

There are other good things about blogging that are obvious. You will be able to improve your writing skills in the process. There are countless of ideas out there that could tickle your thoughts and inspire you to write. Personally, I tend to research well when I wanted to write on a difficult subject despite the fact that it is quite tiresome. In that way, I will be able to learn many things and increase my bank of knowledge. After all, it is knowledge that creates wisdom and it is by working that makes it remarkable.

The good things about blogging proved to be myriad and we deal with it every time we prepare a post and promote it. Finally, there are various bloggers who claimed that they earned from it. As for myself, I blog because I wanted to express my ideas and opinions. I also do it to help promote our travel websites. Earning in the long run is enticing, but then at the end of the day, I really can smile because I found out that you were reading my post. That is more than enough to be a good thing about blogging, my friend.


{ beanizer_05 } at: March 11, 2010 at 5:58 AM said...

i don't know..but you made me smile again with this post. I was thinking about the benefit of this blogging on me few days ago. There are really times when i get bored with nothing to blog. Sometimes i ask myself if it is really worth it to spend time on this. Worst, i once planned to get off the blogger world but..i just can't. Why? 'Coz of those wonderful people i've learned to befriend here. We develop our skills and meet great characters..but still the best thing is when we realize that somebody is hearing our written sentiments..and every word matters to others' souls..
Thanks for being an eye-opener again:)

{ Krincess Carl } at: March 11, 2010 at 9:25 PM said...

...thanks bean for the comments...i want to quit blogging for the reason that i felt its monotonous for me...but then after two or three days...i end up writing and blog hopping again...


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