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I Remebered The Woman Who Changed My Heart

| 19 October 2010
It's weird that I remembered a person who twisted my life's journey out of destiny or maybe just a coincidence. She's really pretty, yet every time I remember her, fear starts to settle within me. Why? I see her as a venomous snake. Not her really, but her attitude. Let me explain why and I'll use my talent in writing to keep it discreet as it should be.

I had a moment in my life that I was so happy I met a person who knew me very well. We clicked in almost any topic, had long talks, shared the Gospel, planned together and shared dreams. I'm aware that it could be a dream that was meant to prepare me to face a life that's different. But I loved every moment I'm with him. Why I'm certain of this? I dreamed of him before I met him. It's unbelievable. Yet, the moment I agreed to live a life that has been planned by God for me, everything changed.

The woman who changed my heart heart secretly fell in love with 'him". It's me, the girl and the man played this awful scenario of unfaithfulness, pain and moving on. She always takes care of me when I'm around without me knowing that she's checking if me and the man were still connected, hearts still combined in that dream I'd already known. No, she didn't know that the man fell apart but still with me. There was a happy moment to talk about a marriage. There was an exciting gush to prepare for a future together. There was me and the man she longed to love. I'm skeptical about the marriage, especially when worry and wisdom filled mt heart and soul.

There was a slight indifference in all the connection I had with him when the same girl appeared in the picture. Then, the mysterious marriage proposal became a tragedy which changed my heart forever. No more trusting, no more hoping, no more traitor friends. With all the energy I could muster, I gave him the choice he always had. I'm already on my way to love another person who is so faithful and God-fearing. I'm sure there were tears falling in his eyes when I finally turned my back, and laughter roared behind me when I said "The dream is over. Go back to reality. There, you'll never see me again to take care of you so dearly. There, she's going to ruin your reputation. I hope, not. Because a part of you remains with me".

There was a dreaded silence. There was an impending call to remain true. But the union of two dreamers can never happen. That's why I'll always think that I shouldn't fall in love with a dreamer.

Now, all that's left is reminder. Never be with someone who likes to love a snake. I cannot. Because I hate snakes. Ask my sister, if it's unbelievable. Lastly, don't trust a guy to a suspicious girl. Believe me, you'll get unnoticed. The world will betray you.   



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