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Book Review on Liverpool Love Song

| 10 February 2015
These days, it is easy to find books that usually talk about travel or a certain place. Many writers use a popular place as a setting for their stories. Personally, I like period drama and travel saga because of the amazing description of my favorite travel destinations. I find stories about riding trains, bus rental services similar to those offered by companies within the Manila BusRentals Philippines industry and any other kind of transportation for tourists and visitors of a certain place.

Today, I’d like to talk about Liverpool Love Song. Obviously, it talks about a setting that is one of our favorite places in the world. I’ve never been there but the place reminds me of the story presented in the novel.

The book was totally amazing. It’s all about a love story that you wouldn’t want to miss. My favorite character is Chloe because she’s a strong woman. She knows how to deal with the things that she really wants in life.

On the other hand, I like the character of Rex Kenwright. He’s totally honest with his feelings, even though it’s a hard thing to do.

All in all, the book presents different ways to decide while a person is in search of happiness. The lessons shared for us to ponder are poignant and helpful in dealing with our own lives.

Have you read the book? It was written by Anne Baker, one of the popular novelists who writes poignant saga about love and life.



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