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Don't Give Up

| 16 March 2011
"Don't give up!". This has been the words of the Japanese Emperor during a rare TV appearance. He urged his people to withstand the difficult situation they're facing. Personally, I don't want to blog about what happened in Japan because I can't imagine their difficulties, the magnitude is too incomprehensible. No matter how organized, resilient and self-reliant a Japanese amidst the situation, help is still needed.

First, there was a destructive earthquake which caused damage to properties and individuals. Moments later, a tsunami alert allowed inhabitants barely eight minutes to find security in higher grounds. This caused a problem to the sick and elderly, people who can't run as fast as they could. Most of them died according to the news. Later on, there's a growing radiation threat against those who live near the nuclear plants devastated by the tsunami. Also, the rubble-strewn wastelands after the tsunami in Northeast Japan were covered by snow which made it difficult to find survivors. Knowing that the supplies of food, water and fuel run low, imagine how difficult it is for them. For me, it's unimaginable, unfathomable and unpredictable.

after the tsunami scenario...

Source: Daily Mail



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