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The Bravery of Fukushima 50

| 17 March 2011
I've noticed that a lot of online news publishers wrote about the bravery of Fukushima 50. That's why I tried to research about these Japanese nuclear workers. These people continue to work in shifting arrangement to prevent the full nuclear meltdown. When other workers of the devastated nuclear plants were evacuated to safety, the Fukushima 50 stayed behind with efforts to cool down the reactors and to prevent further explosions.

According to the news, they're mostly anonymous but some individuals shared their sentiments for these brave men. Their work has been dubbed as a suicide mission. Aside from lack of food and being tired, they have to deal with possible damages on their health as they work near the devastated nuclear plants. They're working for the safety, or even the lives of many Japanese amidst the crisis. The Fukushima 50 face danger whatever may be the price.

Source: The Daily Mail



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