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Beware of Backbiting and Gossiping

| 18 August 2009

There was church meeting where I heard someone who shared the applicability of the message [“If you are my friend, your name is safe in my house”], to the daily activities of individuals. Meaning, if someone is my friend, I would not gossip or backbite that person within my home. Besides, I will not allow anyone to speak ill against that person behind his back. Personally, I agree with this message because this has been my principle for years. Gossiping is one of the most dreaded form of killing time and wasting resources. Why? Instead of doing something fruitful, there are people who would prefer talking about non-sense things, particularly the life of their enemies. When I was in college, and even in law school, I witnessed how friendships disbanded because of gossiping. I was also a poor victim of gossipers! I admit that I am not perfect, and there are things that I cannot control. But, my weaknesses should not be a subject of fun and laughter when I am mot around. In my mind, I warned those gossipers that in case they would elevate themselves at the expenses of my weaknesses and difficulties, I will work harder for God to bless me more.

Going back to the message, it is noble to keep the name of a friend safe in one's home. It is one way of showing loyalty and love to our friends. True friends treat each other as brothers and sisters. True friends should remain helpful and supportive to each other. There were times that I was saved by friends who believed in my sincerity and interest towards them. Others only consider me as a friend when they can use some of my resources. The bottomline is, friends should not talk behind their backs for it is a scenario of contention which could lead to betrayal. We should not feel better or blessed compared to our friends for each of us owned unique places in the heart of God. Hence, for my friends to know, their names are safe in my house.


{ Elizabeth } at: August 20, 2009 at 5:32 PM said...

Great article. I never understood why people gossiped. I never did, well, maybe a few times. In High School a lot of girl gossiped about me because I was a loner and didn't say anything back. Gossip can really hurt. I still don't understand fully why people are vicious when gossiping. Just making up lies. Not all gossip is like that. I am very happy about that. What I find very strange is why people find it so interesting. Great post by the way.

{ Krincess Carl } at: August 22, 2009 at 1:32 AM said...

right tricia, like you, they also said that i am a loner person, but it just that i do not want to do what they do hurting people behind their back..thank you anyway..


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