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The Necessity of Education

| 24 June 2009
Kahlil Gibran once said that “life without liberty is like a body without spirit”. The idea behind this thought is that liberty is the best tool to become fulfilled in this life. So then, how can we achieve liberty? Liberty is often understood as freedom. Freedom includes the ability to perform acts and exercise rights in the absence of restriction from other people. But, freedom should not be allowed to harm other people. Hence, we exercise freedom without injuring or damaging other people’s rights. Freedom is related to education because knowledge sets every person to become free from anything. If we have knowledge, no one would injure us and trample our human rights.

People who are educated are able to choose the best things in life because they are knowledgeable in different things. They can easily classify and identify what is best and not. Those people who are not educated find it hard to escape poverty because they do not know what to do and how to make decisions. Imagine the absence of schools and educational institutions in this world. The absence of academic institutions and schools would surely result to chaos and extreme poverty.

Simply, we need to educate ourselves in order to gain knowledge in this life. If a person is educated, it is easy for him to improve his life due to the various opportunities available for him. Education starts at a young age up to death. The basic steps in attaining education are attending nursery, pre-school, elementary, primary, high school, college, master’s degree, doctorate and vocational schooling. The steps in attaining education depend on what country a person belongs due to difference of educational approach and applicable laws. It is the responsibility of parents to educate their children and provide them opportunities to learn in school. The most relevant product of being educated is becoming a well-respected person in the community. Hence, we need to educate ourselves the best as we could.


{ Diane Gonzales } at: September 26, 2011 at 12:48 AM said...

This post reminds me of my friend, Danielle, who studied laser dentistry at UAE. The school is named, SULTARC, a reputable and world-class medical school in the Middle East. It is a leading institution for international dentistry so far and a trusted international dental school across the region.

I'm grateful for the inspiration and the useful post. Keep them coming!


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