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Travel Escapade Last Holiday Season

| 06 January 2015
The past year was incredibly amazing. We had so much fun visiting many places. We met a lot of friends. Since we re-aligned our plans, we had opportunities to learn many things in the field of business, travel, beauty and fashion.

However, one of the most essential things that I learned last year is to travel in style. I learned that it is really amazing to book plane tickets three months before the trip. It's affordable and easy to manage, especially that I'm getting busier these days. Aside from that, I also learned to travel through a rented bus. After all, Manila Bus Rentals Philippines services are popular nowadays. In that way, I was able to enjoy long trips with my travel companions.

Last Christmas, we also traveled to a nearby ecological park for sightseeing and picture-taking purposes. The trip was inspiring because I was able to plan for next year while riding the bus. Upon arrival, some of the backpackers took a photo of me in the entrance area. It was my favorite photo because it captured the essence of the park - preserving the beauty of nature in a meaningful way.

How about you? What are your activities last holiday season? Let's talk about it in the comments section.



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